***** | 订单号: PO:********1448237# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| L9134 L9134 |
| Good service |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: TI TI China authorized agent, authorized value added agent, authorized agent Shenzhen super Electronic Co., Ltd.
QQ space https://user.qzone.qq.com/3004995668
Micro-blog http://weibo.com/intnetthinking? Is_hot=1
Ti - Texas Instruments China - vertragsh?ndler, die genehmigung von VALUE - added reseller, Beauftragten firma Shenzhen super vernetzten denken Electronics Co., Ltd.
QQ https://user.qzone.qq.com/3004995668
Is_hot=1 microblogging - http://weibo.com/intnetthinking?is_hot=1
Blog http://photo.weibo.com/6147250126
TI в Texas Instruments ??китай??уполномоченных??агентов??уполномоченным агентам, ??добавленную стоимость??, ??уполномоченным агентом??компании Ltd - шэньчжэнь ??супер??взаимосвязанных??мышления?? Electronics Co.
- QQ пространства?? https: / / user.qzone.qq.com / 3004995668 -
?微博?? является _ горячей = 1 в http: / / weibo.com / intnetthinking ситуации?-
?блог?? http: / / photo.weibo.com / 6147250126 |
***** | 订单号: PO:********5471025# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| L9134 |
| Good service |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: TI代理商,ON代理商,德州仪器,STM单片机,驱动器,放大器,电池管理,全新原装,互联网营销
TI agents, ON agents, TI, STM microcontroller, driver, amplifier, battery management, new original, Internet Marketing
?Ти??агентов,??на??агентов,??Texas Instruments??,??СТМ??микроконтроллер,??водитель??,??усилитель??,??управления батареи??,??новые оригинальные??,??интернет - маркетинг?
Ti - Agenten, auf Agenten, Texas Instruments, STM - chip, der FAHRER, verst?rker, batterien, management, neUe, originelle, Internet - marketing |
***** | 订单号: PO:********4114409# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| L9134 |
| Good service |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: 2017年5月28日超互联思维电子有限公司将营销重点转移到互联网模式.让大数据更有效的分享.
May 28, 2017 over the Internet thinking Electronics Co., Ltd. will focus on the transfer of the Internet model to make big data more effective sharing.
Am 28. Mai 2017 super - vernetzten denken Electronics Co., Ltd. Wird der schwerpunkt auf Internet - marketing - Daten. Lassen sie wirksamer zu teilen. |
***** | 订单号: PO:********7388836# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| L9134 |
| Good service |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: 真正有价值的资源一定是靠累积,并且经得起时间的考验。2017-5-11
The truly valuable resources must be built on and stand the test of time. 2017-5-11
本当に価値のある資源は蓄積し、時間の試練に耐えられる。2017-5-11 |
***** | 订单号: PO:********2594615# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| 30637 L9134 TJA1054AT TJA1054T 30460 TLE6209R TLE6244X TJA1053T 74HCT14D MAR9109PD |
| Good service |
| |
***** | 订单号: PO:********3282228# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| TJA1054AT TJA1054T TJA1053T L9134 MC74HCT14ADR2G MAR9109PD 74HCT14D 2SB1335A 30460 TLE6209R TLE6244X |
| Good service |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: 2017年5月28日超互联思维电子有限公司将营销重点转移到互联网模式.让大数据更有效的分享.
May 28, 2017 over the Internet thinking Electronics Co., Ltd. will focus on the transfer of the Internet model to make big data more effective sharing.
Am 28. Mai 2017 super - vernetzten denken Electronics Co., Ltd. Wird der schwerpunkt auf Internet - marketing - Daten. Lassen sie wirksamer zu teilen. |
***** | 订单号: PO:********6526765# |
 | 2013/12/10(时间) |
| L9134 TJA1054AT TJA1053T 74HCT14D HC157A |
| Good service |
| Seller(Anderson) Reply: The positioning of the Internet will determine the size of your future business circle. So change from doing what others don't want to do.
インターネットの位置について、あなたの将来のビジネスサークルのサイズを決めて。だから、他人がやりたくない事に変わり始めた。 |